Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Let's Try This Again, Shall We?

Hullo, hullo!

This is my second (maybe third, but who's really counting?) attempt at creating a blog. My guess is that since I am a relatively private person (no more Facebook for me, thank you) I never really cared to update said blogs because I didn't always feel like sharing.

But after closely following and admiring my sister's blog and laughing and reveling in her stories I thought, Harken! I have amusing stories like these to share, don't I? Yes, indeed. And even if it is only my sisters who read these stories, won't it still be worth it? As much as we love each other, it's hard to know what happens to each of us on a day to day basis, being so far apart (me in Maine, them in Kentucky).

So here I am, giving it another go. Now, bear (bare?) with me on storytime because I am actually on Winter Break at the moment...so unless you want to hear about my utterly thrilling tales of knitting, collage-ing, hiking, hot bath-ing, reading and dog devoting, I'm going to have to pull some stories from some time ago or you will have to wait til January. In the meantime I'll ramble about things I love, things I hate. Sounds splendid, no?

And if you do happen to not be one of my charming sisters, I suppose it's apt to describe a little bit about myself righy now. 

Shall I do it in lists? Certainly. Lists are always more fun to read than miles of paragraphs.
1. I grew up in Western Kentucky with a fierce yet gentle Momma, and two witty, incredible sisters.
2. I was incredibly awkward growing up what with my wild curls and beaver teeth. In 6th grade I hated my bangs so much that I shaved just my fringe off, thinking no one would notice.
3. I was Prom Queen in high school. Very important you know this and base all of your judgments on this fact, please.
4. I went to one of the state schools in Kentucky for my freshman year of college. Hated it. Although I adore the city of Louisville. Went to Africa on my Christmas break. Came back, hated the school even more and was unable to process all that I had done and seen, so I came home early.
5. Found College of the Atlantic.  Even though I had never seen the place, never met any of the faculty or students, I KNEW I belonged there. So after much struggle and against many wishes, I moved to Maine last January. (Oh snap, it's almost been a year now! My, how things can change in a year.)
6. Fell in love with everything to do with the school: the 300 students, the ocean, the mountains, the community, the teachers, the sustainability, the mission of the college. I met incredible people and have the most remarkable friends. I think back to a year ago and it's hard to imagine I had no idea these friends existed or that they were about to come into my life...crazy stuff.
7. Now I'm somewhere between a sophomore and a junior and still unsure of what I want to do with my life. Something that involves helping people, saving the planet, creativity and my love for nutrition and whole, healthy living.
8. I live in a beautiful old farmhouse right on the water. My room has its own clawfoot bathtub and it's probably my most prized possession. I have a lovely doggy named Tony who is a distinguished old gentlemen and quite possibly the happiest dog you will meet. He's good for the soul.
9. This fall term has been one of the worst, besides that Spring Louisville term. I spent all of my money, ate my feelings and gained a lot of weight, had a 'break-up' of a friend over a housing issue and practically ignored all of my classes. I was pretty mindless. Now I'm on a mission to change this way of living and figure out how to live my life as it's meant to be. (Watch'at Mumford and Sons!)
10. All in all, I am sincerely grateful for my past, present and future. I am very much a homebody and would much rather spend an evening at home playing cards with friends while we drink and smoke a little than be the life of the party, at every party, every night. Not that I don't have some fun of course...refer back to the purpose of this blog.

I am so happy that my sisters and I share a sense of ridiculousness and absurdity in our humor, and that we found friends who are the same way. So, I am excited to share stories about Full Moon Skinny Dipping (I have a lot of skinny dipping stories since being in Maine to be honest...something about the hippy-dippy world of COA makes everyone get naked all the time), midnight expeditions to the attic of our administration building (used to be an old mansion), Superhero parties, shirtless hikes to the tops of mountains (again with the nudity), weekend boat trips that are a part of a class, ice skating on our huge lake instead of going to class...and fuck, lots of other stuff I can't think of right now. But it's worth it, I promise you.

Things I like: the Punch Brothers, Prairie Home Companion, Dharma & Greg, Mystery Science Theater 3000, Mel Brooks movies, Harry Potter and LOTR (nerd snort), Laura Marling, colors and lots of them, dresses, peanut butter, yoga, Robert Plant, The Vicar of Dibley and thusly Dawn French, Buddha, TREES, kind and loving people, and most importantly Willy Clafin and Maynard Moose.

Alright, that's enough for now. I will elaborate and share more as the days go on, but I shan't scare you away on my very first post, you see.

So long for now.

****Not actually me...but if it 'twere...well, it would be 'twerrific.****

"The omens are good..." -Ed Kaelber